Branding + UI DESIGN
02. research
Competitive Audit
In order to brand EIKON Audio I developed a competitive audit to see what other marks looked like in the industry. Specifically, EIKON Audio speakers are $25,000 per speaker, so I researched speaker company around that price range. From there, I had a better understanding on how to brand EIKON Audio.
Targeted Audience
27-45 year old
People with an appreciation for high quality audio and with enough disposal income. People with an interest in art.
03. design
Preliminary Marks/Final Mark
I explored different variations of sound waves, geometric shapes and incorporated a minimalistic and modern approach. I wanted to keep it clean and slick, yet luxurious. I made variations ranging from wordmarks to emblems and pictorial marks.
For the final mark, we decided to have three bold bars that represent the "E" in EIKON Audio and incorporated the text "Gayle Sanders EIKON" since EIKON was already taken by another company. I used the typeface, Avenir Black and Medium, and a bold black color for the final mark.